What To Do When Writer’s Block Hits You

Nikka Abby
2 min readMar 31, 2021

Writer’s block. Every. writer’s. worst. nightmare.

Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

*sips coffee* …

*stares at the clock* …

*looks at the blinking cursor on the laptop* …

As a fellow writer, we’ve all been there before, that feeling of dreadfulness that swallows up our body as we stare at our computer hoping for the words or ideas to come out of our head so we can continue writing. It’s not a pretty phase at all. So I made a list of things I did to help me get out of that zombie-ish state. Hopefully this tips work for you too!

Take a break

I know it seems simple but trust me on this, sometimes all you really need is to stop writing for a bit. You can’t force yourself to squeeze your brain for all that creativity to come out. You can take a nap to release all the stress that’s been building up on your body and let you body recharge itself. You will feel so much better afterwards.

Watch a movie

If sleeping didn’t help you, try looking for new inspirations, go watch a movie. You’ll never know what can ignite that rush of new ideas and sometimes a movie might just help.

Talk to a Friend

Go call a friend or your special someone and vent out that frustration. I’m sure your friend won’t mind. We all need someone to listen to us rant from time to time. Just don’t make it a habit, though, remember your friends have lives to live too.

Write random words

Write down any word or phrase that you could think of. Write them in sticky notes and stick them out on your wall. At some point somethings gonna stand out from your pool of words and you can get an idea or two from it. Sometimes having a visual helps!

I hope this helps you!

Let me know in the comments if you have more tips for curing a writer’s block.



Nikka Abby

I write as an outlet for my messy thoughts. Hi! Let’s be friends! Email — nadgonzales10@gmail.com